Wednesday 22 May 2013

One Direction isn't gay!

One day, don't blame me for killing people by cutting their body into pieces. Like seriously dude, if you're jealous with my boys you should admit it at first. You don't have to say 'Eh Nat, there're gay euw' Omg! GET A LIFE and GROW SOME BALLS! What, do you think because of them hugging each other, kissing each other they're gay? Oh damn please pick up your mind. Don't put it on your butt tho -.-
I just, could not say anything else. I just too mad when people say ' Omg 1D are gay!! ' ohh ffff ain't like you never hug your bestfriend or kiss them. I always did that to my bestfriend. We've kiss each other, hug and sleep on the same bed. (You know what i meant don't you) Hahahahaha! I don't care, if someday this whole shit is still going on........i've told you, i might be a murder :/

P/s : Those haters just need to have better way of life and yeah, stop hating. Well, at least admit it that you're jealous for their success xoxo ilyNiallHoran

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