Monday 9 December 2013

Life After Spm

This whole year, i've been waiting for this moment to come. But as it comes, i regret it for the rest of my life. I thought it was fun, hanging out after school ended. But, its not. High school is even greater. I miss my girlfriends for suree. Ah, my life is nothing but a lifeless one. Damn, so bored. I regret it. Really want to be back in school even tho sometimes it could get so annoying with the teachers or the homework or the stuff that really annoyed you in school but as you ended everything, those annoying things is the one you'll be missed. HAHAHAHAHA wtf man im not like this hahahahahaha bye

Friday 18 October 2013


O M G !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have i told you? Naaahhhh i didn't. Fxck you guys gotta know this amazing thing happen to me on 12/10/2013 at 12 23am. I am so happy that CODY SIMPSON replied my tweet!! Well i dont care if he only replied "Reply <3" but who would care if your most beloved idol reply your tweet and especially he's from California. Can't talk much. Bye xx hahahahahaha

Sunday 6 October 2013


Yo waddup !

I just came back from a camp in school. (Officially not really like camping but it's like staying in hostel just to study) so apparently when im back, i stalk on Cody as usual cuz almost for three days i didn't know anything bout Cody like what happened to him or whatever. So i'm like quiet disappointed for real idk why but i just feel like im so far away from him. So bullshit ikr !! I hate this feeling tho. But anyways, today October 7th is amazing. Alli Simpson followed me on twitter, so why don't you guys follow me on twitter to ( @_ntshasimps ) so that's all bye

Monday 9 September 2013


Flying with your love, Cody Simpson and I..

I L O V E Y O U S O M U C H < 3

Saturday 17 August 2013


 #TBH i cried at the casher when i first hold it. It feels like a dream come true. Yea i know it's too late for me to "show off" to you guys but the thing is, this album just arrived here. Somehow i just hate living in Malaysia but i really do love living here anyway. So, what i need now is Paradise album which is Cody first album and Take Me Home, One Direction new album and then, my collection will be PER-FECTION :D

Thursday 1 August 2013

Happy Birthday me

Hai, im officially had turn 17 on July 30th hahahaha quiet proud of myself and thank god for giving me another chance to celebrate my 17 birthday (well, we dont really celebrate it so yes) i was hoping that on my birthday, Cody would say "Hey gal, happy birthday" or something but how disappointed i am when he did not. Well, as i see, Cody he never RT or tweet to his fans that didnt have a photo with him (if you get what i mean). I would probably had take photo with you Codes but the thing is, you never come to Malaysia!! And how am i supposed to do about that? Im 17, i cant work and i cant afford to buy my own flight to meet you. If you come here, that would be the only opportunity for me to meet you. But, still i don't give up for ''trying'' to meet you tho. I mean, you really inspired me so much to study that i can study abroad and got chances to meet you IF YOU STILL DO YOUR TOUR AT MY AGE OF 20+ AND YOU'D PROBABLY HAD TURN 19+ you get me Codes? So could you please ask Matt to do Asia Tour like not only in Tokio or whatever but i need you in MALAYSIA !!! You bastard, it's MALAYSIA who need you so much!!!! Im crying rn !!!! You better do something bout that Cody cuz im in love with you and i would be so broken hearted if you dont come here in 2014 or 2015!! Like please, ASAP !!!! Thanks :) xx

Monday 22 July 2013


Can we fall one more time Codes? Niall?

HAHAHAHA! Look how cute Niall and how happy he is oh Harry too.